Ultra Fibroid Removal Herbal Tea - Removes Fibroids Naturally Without Surgery ALSO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR PEOPLE WHO REMOVED FIBROID BY SURGERY TO AVOID A REGROWTH OF FIBROID. ▪️Helps in reducing inflammation. ▪️Boost the effectiveness of natural supplements to kill tumors ▪️Expels fibroids from body naturally. ▪️Uterine fibroid is a non-cancerous tumor originating from smooth layers of the uterus. In most cases, fibroids are asymptomatic which means patients show no major symptoms. When fibroids grow they can cause Menorrhagia (heavy and painful menstruation) and iron deficiency. Other associated symptoms with fibroids are painful sexual intercourse, pelvic pain, frequent urination, back ache, infertility. Fibroids also lead to problems during pregnancy like miscarriage, premature labor and interference with position of fetus. Research shows that estrogen and progesterone play a vital role in growth of fibroids. These unbalance secretions adversely effects the growth of fibroids. The most common treatment for uterine fibroids is surgery. Surgery is painful as well as it also affects the uterus. After extensive research and formulated by an effective combination of herbs, this herbal tea is very effective to cure uterine fibroids or myoma. It helps to expel fibroids from body naturally without surgery and any side effect. Recomendations: At least 5 packs of the tea to be taken before going for a rescan.